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CS9922BX Insulation resistance withstanding voltage tester

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CS9922BX Insulation resistance withstanding voltage tester

Series products: CS9922BX、CS9922CX、CS9922DX、CS9922EX、CS9922FX


◆240 * 64 Graphic LCD display, user-friendly interface , easy operation.

◆Chinese and English interface,  meeting the different needs of different users

◆Test mode can be set arbitrarily.

◆Constant voltage output regulation  range of the output voltage is within  ± 1%; which guarantees the output voltage will not vary with the input power supply and external load. Measurement is accurate.

◆Fast discharge function The tester can discharge the DUT and the circuit quickly within 0.2s after DCW and IR test finishing; which ensures safety of operators.

◆DCW test with Open-circuit detection Preventing misjudge when test lead is off-line.

◆ With the OSC function.

◆Over-zero start Preventing damage of DUT.

◆ Voltage rise as time, looking for the breakdown points automatically.

◆Set the current high-limit and low-limit alarm, to prevent misjudge when test lead is off-line.

◆Set offset value.

◆ During the testing, users can change the output voltage manually.

◆The tester is with real current measurement function.

◆ ARC function.

◆With GFI protection.

◆Pre-set and save the test parameters 30 groups and 99 steps.

◆Keyboard lock, to avoid the test parameters are modified by the operator.

◆Front panel software calibration.

◆ PLC interface is standard, optional RS232C, RS485, USB, GPIB interfaces.

◆ Electricity safety wall system, to protect the safety of users, DUT and testing equipment.


◆ DDS plus linear power amplifier to drive standard sine waveform, to make the pure output voltage waveform distortion is less than 2%.

◆ Rapid voltage build time

  (1) AC output voltage building time is 126ms, and DC output voltage building time is 60ms.

  (2) The minimum time between steps is 450ms.


◆ Output frequency range from 40.0Hz to 400.0Hz, resolution is 0.1Hz; It can be used as a varied frequency source of high voltage; Besides, it is the only one  tester whose frequency can be continuously adjust in the safety tester industry.

◆The minimum resolution of ACW is 0.1uA, The minimum resolution of DCW is 0.001uA; It is the only one tester with low current resolution in the safety tester industry.

◆ Output voltage with normal mode(N) and gradient mode(G); When the tester is set to N mode, after the previous test step finishing, output voltage is reduced to 0 firstly then output the next step testing voltage. While the tester is set to G mode, after the previous test step finishing, output voltage will not reduced to 0 .It will adjust the next step testing voltage directly on the basis of the previous voltage. It is the only one tester with two output modes in the safety tester industry.



◆Current measurement includes two modes GND mode and floating  mode. Ground mode Connected current measurement terminal with the case, this mode is mainly used in the test system. Floating mode current measurement terminal is suspended which is not connected with the case, this mode is used in high precision situations.

◆ Test results can be automatically stored in the tester, users can check test results easily; RS232 interface can be connected to PC for statistical analysis.

◆Set the voltage rise time, test time, fall time and interval time .

◆PLC interface can output either 24V level or contact signal

◆List display function when the test step is greater than 2, the tester can automatically show test results of each step after finish testing.

IEC60335、UL60335Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Example coffee machines, dish washers, washing machines,...

UL60950、IEC60950Safety of information technology equipment
Example typewriters, erasers, accounting machines, modems, telephone answering machines,...

UL60065、IEC60065Safety for audio, video and similar electronic apparatus
Example amplifiers, radio receivers, antenna amplifiers, electronic music devices, rythme generator,...

IEC61010 Safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
Example regulation equipment, measure equipment, electrical equipment for laboratories, safety testers,...



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